Monday, September 20, 2021

Ronald Stagger-Lee Book gets slap on wrist for nearly killing a man while drunk

As reported in FloriDUH Politics and the Sun-Slantinel, Ronald Stagger-Lee Book pleaded to a lesser charge of reckless driving, will get no jail time and no mark on his criminal record. 

While I am not shocked by this development,  I am disappointed nonetheless.  Ron flipped a car and nearly killed a man by his reckless actions. He was drunk as a skunk. He refused to take a breathalyzer.  And yet not once was he held accountable for his actions. At least he is still being sued in civil court. I am sure he will eventually settle. 

However, Ronald Stagger-Lee Book is free to drink and drive. Maybe next time, he will kill a kid when he flips another car. 

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