Friday, April 21, 2023

Lauren Book is in bed with DeathSantis again: Book helps pass death penalty without a unanimous jury

 Even if you support the idea of the death penalty, I would hope you at least recognize the need for, at the bare minimum, a unanimous jury verdict for the death penalty. FloriDUH is #1 in number of former death row inmates who have been found innocent. So, if we've had this many exonerations and declarations of innownce while the death penalty was limited to unanimous jury verdicts, imagine how much worse it will be when FloriDUH allows the death penalty with only a majority of eight jurors, especially now that the state passed a law to allow the death penalty for non-murder offenses. Once again, Lauren Book supported the Ron DeathSantis agenda and going against her own party. 

Of the 10 NO votes, 8 were by the Dems (one, Powell, did not vote that day but later
voted NO. Jason Pizzo was the other Senate Dem who voted YES.)

All that's missing here is GEO Group's blood money

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