Friday, May 24, 2024

Corrupt Florida State Senator Lauren Book siphoned millions into her own pockets during her tenure as state senator

Lauren Book's time as a state senator in the state of Florida is finally up. Much like Trump telling us he's going to be a dictator on day one if he's reelected in November 2024, Lauren Book warned us she was not going to abstain from voting in favor of using state funds to fund her private charity or enrich her drunk-driving lobbyist father's clients, and she kept her word. Despite running (mostly unopposed) as a Democrat, Lauren Book received millions from Republican donors, funneled through her charity, of course. (As noted in the Florida Bulldog article, Lauren's kids receive just under $20 million from 2011-2021). And of course, Lauren Book's self-titled charity raken in even more taxpayer dollars through their hideous license plate program.

1.39—Disclosure of conflict of interest and prohibition on voting thereon

(1) Abstention on matters of special private gain or loss.—A Senator may not vote on any matter that the Senator knows would inure to the special private gain or loss of the Senator. The Senator must disclose the nature of the interest in the matter from which the Senator is required to abstain.

 Of course, Floridiots turned a blind eye to all this. Despite having no experience doing more than wiping her own ass without her DUI daddy, Ronald Lee Book, Dems and Repubs alike fell all over themselves trying to curry favor with Bimbo Book. 

So just how much has Lauren Book cost Florida taxpayers? According to a recent news article by the Florida Phoenix, Florida legislators have been paid $29,697 a year, or $237,576 for the 8 years she was state senator. Not bad for 60 days of part-time work, huh? But Lauren' Book's salary from her "Lauren's Kids" charity for 2022, the most recent year for the Lauren's Kids Form 990s, was $235,000. Lauren Book collected just over $1.4 million from her charity just from the time she was in office

2022 - $235,000
2021 - $235,962
2020 - $217,500
2019 - $215,000
2018 - $185,000
2017 - $159,394
(Lauren's Kids 2023 tax forms have not be posted publicly yet)

This, of course, isn't even counting the money she's colected through fundraising efforts, kickback, under-the-table payments, and other ways she's colleected money in ways that aren't documentedo on tax forms. Campaign funds are supposed to go to direct campaign expenses, but she collected so much more money than other candidates despite running unopposed. Now that Lauren Book is termed-out of office, she's back to her money-walk across the state, where pols lined up to kiss her ass once more, plus the trips are paid through her charity, so nothig comes out of pocket for her. 

In 2021, Lauren Book posted a net worth of just under $4 million. Lauren the Launderer does her dirty deeds in plain sight, yet, as noted in one of the Florida Bulldog articles, people did NOT take notice. I presume it is because she has always played the victim. 

Her entire shtick is playing victim. She tried that when she fought to shut down this blog. But she failed. She will NEVER get that win back. There's a reason that bitch never sue me. You know why? Because what I post here, with the exception of opinions I have to state using terms like presume or speculate, is all from legitimate news sources. She can (presumably) pay dipshits to delete criticisms of her on Wikipedia, and she can file SLAPP suits to try to silence critics, then lie about them in court, but she cannot get Logue v. Book, 297 So. 3d 605 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 2020), striken from the courts. That's an eternal scoreboard, so Lauren AND her DUI daddy can kiss my ass. 

Back to the task at hand, Lauren Book ripped off Florida taxpayers, but that's FloriDUH politics for you. I will continue to expose her as a fraud and huckster. Get a REAL job!

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